Little Oak Montessori

Vision & Values

The Montessori Method

Practical Life

Practical life exercises can be simply defined as everyday life activities. Every practical exercise is created to help the child learn to do ordinary activities with purpose. The act of practical life exercises contributes to the child’s development of concentration, coordination of movement, independence, and most importantly his or her adaptation to the environment.

Sensorial activities entice the child’s senses (taste, smell, sound, touch, visual) as well as refine the child’s senses. Sensorial activities challenge the child’s ability to perceive and to be aware of their finer senses.With heightened senses, the child can appreciate the beauty of his or her environment more and develop better awareness of self and others.

Language Art

Children are born with the potential to absorb and give meaning to language. Language exercises invite the child to use language to build self-expression and self-confidence. These activities also expose the child to various forms of language, such as literature, poetry and drama. Language exercises pave the way toward written composition as well as reading.

The child naturally has a curiosity and an interest in mathematics. As the young child explores mathematics, he or she finds enjoyment in it. The child’s inner needs for order give rise to the development of the mathematical mind and input a mathematical way of understanding the world. Mathematics activities serve to satisfy the child’s curiosity and interest as well as build his or her mathematical mind.


Cultural activities give the child the keys to learn about the interconnectedness of all life in our world. The child gets to explore the areas of geography, science, and history. Working with the cultural materials helps the child become aware that he or she is part of a greater community.